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All Products
Seebees Linden Honey 450gr
Seebees Honey
Linden honey is a fabulous sweetener for hot drinks, especially tea. Pure, natural, and raw honey. Not heated in any way, preserving the pollen an...
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Airborne Manuka Honey 500gr
Manuka among the species is honey with the strongest anti-inflammatory effect He has shown surprising results in clinical trials, and is used, am...
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Seebees Acacia Honey 450gr
Seebees Honey
Acacia honey helps with intestinal cramps and the secretion of gastric acid. It calms the nervous system. Especially has a positive effect in inso...
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Airborne Natural Honey 500gr
Natural Honey from New Zealand. Frozen honey is 100% pure honey - there is nothing extra. The "creaming" process relies on and improves the natura...
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